310 Orchard Project


Drawing of the planned land development at 310 Orchard Boulevard.Deer Creek Open Space Association, Inc. is an all-volunteer nonprofit land conservancy organized in 1999 to protect open land through property donations, conservation easements and property purchases in Berrien County. Our secondary mission is to promote an appreciation and understanding of the distinctive character of our natural environment in southwestern Michigan.

DCOSA purchased the property at 310 Orchard Boulevard (lots 40 and 41) in the Shorewood Hills community in Sawyer to begin the Orchard Meadow Preserve project. The nonprofit plans to return the property to a natural wooded preserve featuring towering white pines and a small orchard of flowering trees reminiscent of the lot's past. A footpath and benches will be added, and native hardwoods and wild flowers indigenous will be planted. With your help, DCOSA can create a beautiful open space today, which will remain forever for future generations. 

The goal is to raise $240,000 to retire the loan and complete the project. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated. 

Hand drawn image of numbered property parcels in the Tower Hill community.Donor Levels:

  • Tall White Pine - $20,000+
  • American Beech - $15,000+
  • Tulip Poplar - $10,000+
  • Red Oak - $5,000
  • Dogwood - $2,500+
  • Apple - $1,000+
  • Paw Paw - $500+
  • Trillium - Less than $500