Help fill the food gap in Berrien County!
Food insecurity has exploded the last few years as people faced hardships and government benefits diminished. Berrien Community Foundation is challenging the community to raise $20,000 for the Food For Good Fund. Did you know 14% of Berrien County residents are considered food insecure? That means they do not have enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life.
BCF has directed $36,000 to eight food pantries across the county. Now, together with Feeding America West Michigan, Frederick S. Upton Foundation and individual donors, we are calling on the community to raise $20,000 to meet the anticipated funding gap for the Feeding America West Michigan mobile food pantries.
When the community donates $20,000 to the Food For Good Fund, Berrien Community Foundation will match those funds. Any funds raised beyond that amount will be used to aid both traditional fixed pantries and the mobile food pantry program as the need continues to grow.
To donate, click the "Donate" button below or mail checks to Berrien Community Foundation, 2900 S. State Street, STE 2E, St. Joseph, MI 49085 and reference Food For Good.
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