Tell me an interesting/fun/cool fact about yourself.
I bungee jumped off of a crane
Give me a snapshot of your work history.
I started as a newspaper reporter and moved into marketing and strategic planning. I worked as the program manager for Berrien Community Foundation before taking a break to stay home with kids and work from home with the Frederick S. Upton Foundation and United Way of Southwest Michigan. All of those things lead me to my dream job here at BCF.
Give me another snapshot of what it is you do here at BCF.
As President, I get to work with donors to help them achieve their charitable goals. I also get to help match resources with needs in the community. It’s the best job EVER!
How do you get involved in the community?
Theater is one of my favorite activities and I love the opportunity to be on stage or play a role backstage. I’m a Rotarian and love to serve through Rotary. First Robotics volunteering is addictive.
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
Hanging out with Bill Downey doing home improvement projects. Running or biking or hiking (and forcing Bill Downey to come with me). Going to University of Michigan football games and hanging out with my kids.
What kinds of activities energize you?
I’m an extrovert! Put me around big groups of people … or dogs… who wouldn’t want to be around dogs!?
What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?
Bungee jumping off of a crane
What’s your favorite place to eat around here?
Gloria Ender’s house
What is the one thing you cannot resist?
A lemonade stand run by kids
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Fixing and refinishing old pianos
What’s one of your favorite parts of your job?
Getting to help make our community a better place to live.
What makes you excited to work at BCF?
When someone comes in and says “I have a great idea!”
If you'd like to contact Lisa, please click here.
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