Away We Go!

A group of four people standing near a window and decommissioned carousel horse while holding a large check inside the Maud Preston Palenske Luibrary.A For Good Grant will help gently transport people with dementia and their caregivers to places like Morocco, Ireland and Kenya all the while remaining safely inside the Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library.

Travel Tales is a program developed to stimulate cognitive abilities of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s as they “travel” to different countries — experiencing sights, sounds, food and folklore of the culture.

Assistant library director Zack North said receiving a For Good Grant from Berrien Community Foundation is reaffirming and validating because “this was a service gap for us and we’re really excited to fill it and bring a whole new group of people to the library and connect them with resources.”

In Berrien County, 12.5% of residents aged 65 and older have dementia — triple the national average according to the CDC’s 2004 study. This population is often underserved.

Library staff expressed gratitude to BCF in supporting their new initiative, which has opened their eyes to the great need in the county.

Travels Tales will run once a month, February through November, except for June and July. Library staff will lead each session and offer ways for caregivers and those with dementia to bond.

Travels Tales is a free program open to the public, regardless of residency or membership. Registration is not required.

“My hope for this program is that we build a greater sense of connection between both the caregiver and the individual with Alzheimer’s,” said Zack. “Connectedness is a huge part of what we as libraries do. We hope we can create an environment that is stimulating, comforting and allows people to walk away with something new that they otherwise would not have experienced.”

First stop on the itinerary: Japan.

All are invited to join the journey at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, February 11 at Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library. For more information, visit the library’s website at