Nicole Grant

Program Officer


Tell me an interesting/fun/cool fact about yourself.

I enjoy cooking, which is something that I do very well and love to do. The most fun that I have ever had was going camping with my children. 

Give me a snapshot of your work history.

Prior to this job, I worked at Emergency Shelter Service. I started on the CERA team, helping individuals with back rent and utilities. I was then hired in and became a case manager where I assisted the homeless. Before that, I worked at Whirlpool, and just before that I worked at Subway. 

Give me another snapshot of what it is you do here at BCF.

Here at BCF I assist in the administration and promotion of grants, scholarships, and special projects. 

How do you get involved in the community?

My previous position focused on preventing homelessness in the community. 

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

I do a lot of family activities such as picnics, barbeques, parks, and traveling. 

What kinds of activities energize you?

Walking and playing with my grandchildren 

What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?

Going to Six Flags riding the roller coaster...never again, I am terrified of heights, I thought doing it would help with my didn’t! 

What’s your favorite place to eat around here?

My favorite place to eat around here is Chili’s. 

What is the one thing you cannot resist?

Having a good time and making others laugh. 

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

Working at “Camp Crystal Lake” when I was a teenager. 

What’s one of your favorite parts of your job?

The learning experience. 

What makes you excited to work at BCF?

Learning, experiencing, and meeting new people.


To contact Nicole, click here.